A) If a player wins through to a final and his team then leaves the league, that player has two weeks to apply to the committee to play in the final.
B) Chalking the number scored as well as the number required must be shown. Electronic scoreboards are not allowed.
C) Rules can only be changed at the A.G.M., or a special meeting called by the committee.
D) If there is an intimidating atmosphere at a venue, the two captains need to discuss the situation, and speak to the landlord / landlady of the premises to see if he / she can resolve the situation. If this does not work and there is no improvement they can then abandon the game. They must inform the league secretary and then the committee will look at and progress the problem.
E) The committee expects all players to moderate their language and behaviour at all times when playing in the league. Any complaints regarding bad language and / or bad behaviour will be dealt with severely by the committee.
F) No team is allowed to sign on more than Four Super League or above players. Penalty for the first player over the allowance will be Five Points, one of which will be the eights. Subsequent players over the stated allowance will impose a further one point penalty. In cup competitions, teams playing more than the allowance will be dismissed from that competition for that season. This rule applies, regardless of the amount of super league or above games the players in question have played.
G) Teams will be held responsible for the actions of their captain and secretary.
H) Fines will be imposed for the following :-
Non attendance of the league meetings . . . . £5
Non attendance of the league meetings with phone call to league secretary . . . . £3
I) Although we use B.D.O. Rules as a guideline, you are not allowed to quote these rules without written permission from the B.D.O.
J) All teams will receive a balance sheet at the meeting after the presentation.
K) For teams that are owed trophies at the presentation. If no – one from that team attends the presentation, all trophies will be returned to the supplier. Trophies will not be able to be collected at a later date.
L) If any committee members are threatened with legal action because of work they are doing for the league, league funds will be used to cover any legal costs that are incurred by the committee.
M) At the Captain & Secretaries Cup, teams are expected to bring a raffle prize for the raffle, which helps fund the league. Failure to bring a raffle prize will exclude that team from the competition for that year.
N) The minimum age for players in the league is 14. However some venues within the league will not allow these players in their premises. It is up to the licensee / club steward whether they allow these players. If they can play, the rest of the team will be held responsible for them. If they can’t play, teams will play with other players only, as there are no cancellations or re – arranged games.
O) The Chalker is not allowed to touch or remove the darts from the board.
P) The darts must not be removed from the board, until the score has been verified by the chalker and the opposing team.
Q) If the chalker makes a mistake, and tells the player the wrong score left, if the player hits that score, then it must stand.
R) If there is a hold up during the game due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. damage to darts or canes), there is no practice to be taken place on the live board. Wait for the situation to be resolved and the live game concluded.
S) Any change in Captain, Secretary or Vice-Captain of a team, to be reported to the Registrations Secretary in writing through the season, to enable website and records to be kept up to date. Last date for change is the February league meeting.
T) All players signed on by teams, to have their names listed on the website under their team names, and have Super League or County marked against their name.
U) To qualify and to be eligible to play in the Singles, Pairs, Fours and Ladies Cup, team members will need to have played 38% of League or Team Cup Competitions before the January league meeting. Players signing on after the season has already started it will need to play 38% of the games available between the start date and the January meeting. It will be the responsibility of the teams secretary, captain or vice-captain to ensure players put forward for any of the competitions are eligible to play. When we check eligibility of all the players if a player is not eligible they will be excluded from that competition, which could cost you a pair not playing or fours playing short. Players who have extenuating circumstances (i.e. illness or hospitalisation) will need to put in writing to the committee by the January league meeting for a consideration of an exception to the rule. The committees decision will be final.
Last Updated – Wednesday 3rd October 2018