
A)  All players must be registered. All registration forms and monies to be given to the registration secretary or league secretary. Registrations will only be accepted on league registration forms

B)  All monies to be paid in at league meetings or via bank transfer

C)  All player registration forms and monies are to be paid in by the October meeting

D)  A players registration is neither refundable or transferable in any circumstances

E)  If a player drops out of the league, they can be de-registered and another player registered providing the total number of players, does not exceed 16

F)  No players can be registered after the February league meeting without the permission of the committee

G)  If a team leaves the league before 31st December, players from that team may apply to the committee to play for another team

H) New teams joining the league, to submit player registration forms by the August meeting, the Committee will vet, and allocate league position to join in either 1st or 2nd Division.

Last Updated – Wednesday 11th December 2024